Snapshot【電子書籍】[ Angie Stanton ]
<p>One kiss will change Marti's summer . . . forever.</p><p>Marti</p><p>Marti just wants a normal life. After dealing with her irresponsible rock-legend father and absentee mother, she only wants some peace . . . and fun. And that includes a summer at an exclusive arts camp.</p><p>Adam</p><p>For Adam, a normal life is not possibleーnot when he is the lead guitarist in a rock band with his brothers. So he's thrilled to finally have an opportunity to disguise himself and live like a normal teenager at summer camp.</p><p>And when Adam meets Marti, sparks fly. Between romantic bonfires and stolen kisses, they are inseparable.</p><p>Then Marti discovers who Adam truly is, and her world is turned upside down. Ever since her father nearly ruined her life, she vowed never to fall for a rocker. But when tragedy strikes, Marti is forced to look within. And she discovers that maybe falling in love with a rock star is not so crazy after all.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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SNAPS 関連ツイート
RT @MRIPhoto: iPhone snaps
VSCO camのKA1、かなりクールですね 2018/10/09 19:08
RT @KuanHongPH: [100918]
[Credits: 微笑狙击丨官鸿 & 溫柔限定·官鴻]
More and more and more snaps of his departure from Beijing to Shanghai! ✈
#DarrenC…@Junghyeon22 2018/10/10 10:36
RT @MRIPhoto: iPhone snaps
VSCO camのKA1、かなりクールですね 2018/10/09 22:35
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